Independence Baptist Church is a new testament independent Baptist church, as all Baptist churches were before conventions, associations, and boards were invented by men.  We trace our lineage, using the Bible, back to the time of Christ.  We believe in the sovereignty of God, total depravity, the virgin birth of Christ, and whosoever will may come. We strive to win souls to Christ and endorse without apology or reservation the Bible (KJV) as the infallible Word of God.  We are conservative in worshipping our omnipotent creator, eternal Saviour and judge, singing traditional songs of praise with enthusiasm and joy. 

Service Times

Sunday School

Morning Worship

Prayer Service

Evening Worship

Wednesday Bible Study

          10:00 AM

          11:00 AM

          2:00 PM

          2:45 PM

         7:00 PM

Connect With Us

Radio broadcast 
KWRE 730 AM and 95.1 FM
8:00-8:30 Each Sunday Morning 
Audio Sermons 


Contact IBC Pastor