I. Verse 1-6 - Introduction to the chapter.
A. Eighty days - after the seven days of consecration. There must be a consecration of self before we can do anything for anybody else. (v. 1)
B. V. 2 - The sin offering and burnt offering for Aaron.
C. V. 3,4 - The sin offering and burnt offering and peace offerings and meat offerings for the people.
1. Moses tells Aaron to tell the people.
a. Aaron is High-Priest of the Tabernacle.
b. Good leaders train others to do their work, so the work can constantly go forward.
2. Result - the appearance of the Lord (in the form of fire - v. 24).
D. V. 5 - The people following the commands of Moses, bring an acceptable sacrifice to God. (Moses is also following the commands of God.)
E. V. 6 - If we do what God commands, His glory will appear to us.
1. Eph. 5:15-17 - Walk circumspectly, so you'll know God's will.
2. We cannot know God's specific will for our lives until we obey the general will of our lives.
II. Aaron's offerings (v. 7-14). Another declaration that he is not the Christ, but a type of Christ to come.
A. The sin offering (v. 7-11).
1. Aaron still had sin even during the 7-day (7 means completion) consecration period.
2. No such thing as sinless perfection. Or living above sin. This is our desire, but it can't be accomplished as long as we are in this body. It's for the life to come in a glorified body.
3. This is offered after the manner of the priest sin offering. (Lev. 4:3-12).
B. The Burnt offering. (v. 12-14).
1. Saved, consecrated people, realizing they are still sinners, still glory in the cross.
2. This is offered after the manner of the burnt offering. (Lev. 1:1-9).
III. The people's offering (v. 15-21) - This is the first time these offerings are made by the Levitical priesthood, except that the priest didn't eat their part.
A. V. 15 - The sin offering given according to the manner (Lev. 4:27-31.
B. V. 16 - The burnt offering given according to the manner (Lev. 1:1-9).
C. V. 17 - The meat offering given according to the manner. (Lev. 2:1-11).
D. V. 18-21 - The peace offering given according to the manner. (lev. 3).
IV. V. 22-24 The end.
A. Aaron blessing the people - not like the pope. If God hadn't accepted the offerings, Aaron would have died and couldn't have prayed for God's blessings upon the people.
B. Aaron has been a type of Christ who died for our sinfulness.
C. Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle, and didn't die. What they did in the tabernacle is not known, but we know it was acceptable.
D. Moses and Aaron blessing the people - a type of God and Jesus together.
E. God did two things.
1. The glory of God appeared to them. Note the times God's judgment came on Egypt.
a. Ex. 19:18 - The Lord descended on Mt. Sinai in fire. The law is given.
b. Ex. 40:34-38 - The glory of the Lord came in the form of a cloud and covered the completed tabernacle.
c. God dwelt upon the mercy seat between the two cherubims.
d. This is a special appearance in recognition of the accepted blood of Jesus.
e. This appearing is different. The other appearances are to a people that are not matured in Him. To those that are duly consecrated to God, He will undoubtedly manifest Himself in a greater way than He does to the world, or to the "average" Christian.
2. Fire from before the Lord - probably from between the Cherubims, where He dwelt.
a. Solomon's sacrifice - II Chron. 7:1.
b. Elijah's sacrifice - I Kings 18:38.
c. Day of Pentecost - Acts 2:3.
d. Fire is always reserved for God, except in the tribulation period, when God allows Satan to use fire from heaven to deceive many people.
F. Consumed the burnt offering - Nothing goes to God except what comes from God. (faith, grace, love, etc;)
1. Evidently the sin offering and burnt offering of Aaron and the sin offering of the people was already consumed. Only the burnt offering was left.
2. Evidently the other sacrifices were consumed with a fire kindled by Aaron.
G. The reaction of the people.
1. shouted - their shouting was a reaction to what God had done. They didn't cause God to do anything.
2. Fell on their faces - in total worship.