I.   Purpose of this chapter.

A.     To show the sacredness of blood to God and men.

B.     This chapter only is effective when Israel is in the  wilderness.  When they come into the promised land, there  are other laws that come into effect.

1.       17:4 - All animals killed must be brought before the  door of the tabernacle.

2.       Deut. 12:13-15, 20-24 - In Canaan, the tribes will be  to scattered to come to Jerusalem every time they would  kill an animal to eat.  In this case, God will appoint  a place convenient so the animal could be killed.


II.   Detail of this chapter.

A.     V. 1-7

1.       This is a commandment of God, not the request of man.

2.       Any animal killed out of the camp, its blood not being  brought to the door of the tabernacle is under the  condemnation of God, and shall be excluded from the  people of Israel.

3.       This may sound like a hard thing, but verse 5 gives the  reason.

4.       Israel needs to constantly remember that God supplies  all things.  He supplies the body and blood of the  sacrifices showing eternal life.  He supplies our daily  food.  The person that will not kill the animal before  the door of the tabernacle and allow the blood to be  poured out to the Lord is failing to recognize that his  very food comes from the Lord.  A person raises an  animal, then brings this animal before the Lord to kill  it, its blood is poured out, then the person receives  the animal back from the Lord and consumes it that he  might live.  (This is exactly the same principle as us  returning thanks before we eat.)

5.       Verse 5 - This is a peace offering.  The peace offering  is the only sacrifice that is eaten by the giver.  May  we eat our meat in peace.

6.       6.      Verse 6 - The blood is sprinkled on the brazen altar.      And the fat (holiness of God) is burned as a sweet  savour to the Lord.

7.       Verse 7 - To fail to return thanks, or to kill the  animal before the Lord is the same thing as doing  sacrifices before devils (shaggy goats).  Is it not a  serious thing to return thanks before we eat?

B.     Verse 8,9 - Anyone (a stranger or a person of Israel) who  gives a sacrifice any place except at the designated place  of worship shall be cut off from the people.  This ought to  show us the importance of worshipping God in His church and  not paying so much attention to television and radio  preachers.  They can preach many good things, but they  cannot be our pastor or involve us in true Christian  (Church) Fellowship.

C.     Verse 10,12 - Life is in the blood.

1.       1.      God is against those that eat blood.  Many people today  eat "blood pudding", saying that they do no offense to  God.  Maybe so.  They say this passage is no longer in  effect.  Maybe so, but why do the people involved in  demon worship include the drinking of blood in their  worship?  Why do they drain the blood from their  victims, using that blood to worship Satan?  I doubt  seriously that "blood pudding" was intended by God to  be a part of our diet.  (See verse 7.)

2.       The reason for this probation (verse 11,12) is because  life is in the blood.  Jesus shed his pure blood to  give us eternal life.  When the blood is gone from our  bodies, there is no longer life in the body.

D.     Verse 13,14 - The hunter that kills an animal in the field  must pour out the blood of that animal and cover it with  dust.  A hunter couldn't kill an animal before the door of  the tabernacle for wild animals don't life there, and  wouldn't go there so you could kill them.  So this exception  is made fore them.  Covering the poured out blood with dust  shows the holiness of blood for the hunter.

E.      Verse 15,16 - If blood is in the animal, and is eaten.

1.       An animal that dies of itself does not bleed (besides  that you don't know why it died).

2.       An animal torn or strangled - sometimes they don't  bleed like they ought to.

3.       The person that eats such an animal must wash his flesh  in water (running, or living water) wash his clothes  and be unclean until the even.

4.       If he doesn't, he shall bear his own iniquity.