I. Verse 1-9 - A repeat of the laws concerning the oil for the lamps and the shewbread.
A. Verse 1-4 - The oil for the lamp.
1. Pure - Because it represents the pure Holy Spirit that always shines before Israel.
2. Beaten - Shows the suffering of the Holy Spirit as He deals with sinful mankind.
3. NOTE: - The people bring the oil that causes the lamps to burn continually. Some people expect the Holy Spirit to lead them, but they never try to find out where He wants them to go. We must learn to walk by faith, letting the Holy Spirit lead us wherever God wants us to go.
4. Verse 3 - Gives the location of the lamps as to outside the Most Holy Place and inside the Holy Place.
5. Aaron shall order it. It is the duty of the pastor to lead the churches to true worship. But all they can do is order it, the people must accomplish it.
6. Morning and Evening - It must be a continual daily task. Serving the Lord must be done at least morning and evening. It is impossible to serve the Lord acceptably only once each Sunday morning. The entire congregation must give themselves to the Lord's work every day if we are to see the blessings of the Lord.
B. Verse 5-9 - The bread for the Table of Shewbread.
1. Fine flour - Use the best, for god gave His best.
2. Bake twelve cakes - one for every tribe of Israel.
3. Unleavened - there shall no leaven be taken into the tabernacle. Leaven is always a type of sin.
4. Placement - There are two rows of cakes. These rows are stacks or piles of cakes. Each row has six cakes, one upon the top of the other.
5. Frankincense - A sweet smell, typifying the life of Christ. This ought to typify our life as Christ lives in us. The sweetness of the life of Christ should be upon each Israelite tribe.
6. Replaced every sabbath - Every seven days - If unleavened bread does not spoil, why should it be replaced? Because we need our dedication to the Lord renewed about every seven days. (In our case, it's on Sundays.)
7. Eaten by Aaron and his sons - It is such a blessing to Spiritual leaders to know that their people come together to worship each week.
II. Verse 10-23 - The story of God's judgment upon sinners. Divided into three parts: (1) Verse 10-12 - The situation that brought on the judgment. (2) Verse 13-22 - The mind of God concerning the sin, and (3) Verse 23 - The carrying out of God's sentence.
A. Verse 10-12 - The situation that brought on the judgment.
1. An interfaith marriage between an Israelite and an Egyptian. Some people don't think these marriages hurt, but they are the reason for the flood in Noah's day and the cause of many heartaches to the people involved. The children are the ones who are caught in the middle. They are the ones who eventually pay the highest price.
2. The half-breed fought with a full-blood Israelite. There is no record of what caused the quarrel, but evidently the quarrel became very heated.
3. The half-breed (1) blasphemed and (2) cursed.
a. Blasphemed - the name of the Lord. "of the Lord" is added by the King James translators. So he actually blasphemed the name -- the authority, power, or right. It appears the dispute is over the right or authority of the Lord to govern Israel, or in particular to exercise any authority over him as an individual. To blaspheme is to attribute the works of God to the Devil. Matt. 12:22-32, the Pharisees saying Christ cast out devils by the prince of the devils, Beelzebub. Christ rebuked them, warning them they were in danger of blaspheming the Holy Ghost, from which there is no forgiveness. He is speaking against the "way" God does things. We call this the "unpardonable sin", but the Bible calls it "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit". The "Unpardonable sin" is not rejecting Christ as personal saviour. A person does not go to hell because they reject Jesus as their Saviour. They go to hell because they are sinners. Is it not true that people that never hear the gospel will die and go to hell? Isn't this why we preach the gospel? So they will hear about Christ and be saved and not have to go to hell? The question, "What sin causes a person to go to hell?" is a bad question. They go to hell because they are sinners.
b. Cursed - No doubt took the name of our Lord in vain.
4. They brought him to Moses and Moses put him in ward (jail) because he wanted to find out exactly what God would have him do. It's always wise to find out what God wants us to do before we do something and later regret it. This is especially true when we deal with other people.
5. His mother's name is Shelomith, but it doesn't give his fathers name or the name of the son. This is probably because the father and the son are lost, but the mother is saved. This kind of marriage will always bring grief.
B. Verse 13-22 - The mind of God concerning the sin.
1. Bring him out of the camp. His sin has separated him from the people of Israel. He shall have no part with them. Christ was crucified outside the camp of Israel because sin causes a separation from the people of God.
2. All that heard him blaspheme and curse shall lay their hands on him -- This is to remove the blame from the onlookers and place it on the head of the guilty party. His blood shall be on his own head, Israel shall not bear the iniquity of his sin.
3. All the congregation shall stone him. As a nation, they have the civil responsibility to carry out God's commands. The church of the Lord Jesus Christ does not have this authority, it is given to the government of our nation. This would certainly put a remembrance upon the minds of all the people engaged in stoning the man. They would see with their own eyes what happens to those guilty of such things and take the more warning of their future if they do the same.
4. There are some other laws God desires to re-enforce at this time:
a. Verse 15,16 - If a stranger or Israelite blasphemeth or curses God, he shall bear his own sin and all the congregation shall stone him.
b. Verse 17 - A murderer shall die.
c. Verse 18 - A person who kills an animal shall restore it.
d. Verse 19,20 - An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Not in a spirit of vengeance or self- righteousness, but with a spirit of protecting the nation of Israel.
e. Verse 22 - One law for the stranger and a citizen.
C. Verse 23 - The carrying out of God's judgment. This was done exactly as God commanded in verses 13,14.