I. Verse 1,2 - The vow of the Nazarite.
A. Joseph was called a separated one before the Nazarite vow - (Separate and Nazarite come from the same Hebrew word - Naziyr).
1. Gen. 49:26 - by Jacob.
2. Deut. 33:16 - by Moses.
3. Therefore, this is not a new law, but the official recognition of a thing already in effect.
B. Those that are separated unto the Lord.
1. Either man or woman - This is a personal choice or by the appointment of God.
2. Either for a life time or a certain length of time.
a. Samson - Judges 13:5 - by God - for life.
b. Samuel - I Samuel 1 & 2 - by parents - for life.
c. John the Baptist - Luke 1:15 - by God - for life.
d. For a specific period - Numbers 6:13.
II. Verse 3-8 - The qualifications.
A. Verse 3,4 - No grapes.
1. Wine and strong drink.
2. Vinegar of wine.
3. Vinegar of strong drink.
4. Liquor of grapes.
5. Moist grapes - fresh grapes.
6. Dried grapes - raisins.
7. Nothing made from vine tree from kernels to husks.
8. Purpose of abstaining - This is in a time when God had no laws against drinking intoxicating beverages at a meal.
a. Prov. 31:5 - Lest they forget the law of God.
b. Isaiah 38:7 - Lest they err through the use of wine.
c. See Noah.
B. Verse 5 - Don't cut his hair - an outward sign of an inward condition.
1. A picture to others that he was dedicating himself to God.
2. There wasn't any "hippies" in that day.
3. Not like Absalom - who cut his hair at every years end. (Right at the start of spring - a cooler head in summer and because his hair was heavy. This is a matter of convenience, not dedication.)
4. I Cor. 11:14 - "If a man has long hair, it is a shame to him." It was then, unless the man had consecrated himself to God. His life would have to be so much better that people would know in spite of his hair!!
5. A fellow would look pretty bad if he never cut his hair all his life, but God sees the heart.
C. Verse 6,7 - Come at no dead body.
1. This is the same consecration as the High Priest (Lev. 21:10,11).
2. Can attend no funeral at all.
D. Verse 8 - The time limit - He shall be under these laws as long as he is separated unto the Lord.
III. Verse 9-12 - The method of atonement for the Nazarite who has broken the vows of separation.
A. There is no remedy for the Nazarite who willfully breaks his vow.
1. Samson willingly broke his vows.
2. He gave no sacrifice to restore himself to God's graces.
3. Ps. 51:17 - The sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite heart.
B. Verse 9-12 - The example is given of being with a dead body, but the sacrifice is the same regardless of which vow was broken.
1. A person died suddenly - that still happens today.
2. He must be separated for 7 days like everybody else (Num. 19:11).
3. He shaves his head on the 7th day.
4. On the eighth day he brings two turtle doves or two young pigeons - one for a sin offering and one for a burnt offering. The inexpensive offering declares that anybody can consecrate themselves to God. It doesn't take a lot of money to do God's will.
5. The Lord will recognize all the days of the separation except the time when he was defiled.
IV. Verse 13-21 - The sacrifice of the Nazarite when the time of his separation is ended. (Given at the death of a "life time" Nazarite.)
A. Comes to the door of the Tabernacle.
B. Verse 14,15 - His offering.
1. Burnt offering - one he lamb of the first year - typified Christ.
2. Sin offering - one ewe lamb of the first year - Christ's perfection.
3. Peace offering - one ram.
4. Meat (meal) offering.
a. Basket of unleavened bread - represents no sin.
b. Cakes of fine flour mingled with oil - sufferings of Christ mingled with Holy Spirit.
c. Wafers of unleavened bread anointed with oil - no sin poured with the Holy Spirit.
C. Verse 16,17 - The priest shall offer to the Lord.
D. Verse 18 - The Nazarite shall shave his head and burn the hair under the sacrifice of peace offerings.
1. This shows he is at peace with God.
2. Burning hair is a stench to man, but a great blessing to God.
3. The Nazarite doesn't keep the hair as a remembrance of his "good works".
E. The Nazarite gets to eat a part of the ram. (The peace offering). True peace with God is shared, both with the Nazarite and those around them.
F. Verse 20 - The vow of the Nazarite is broken when the priest waves the breast and shoulder before the Lord.
G. Verse 21 - The introduction to verse 13-21.
V. Verse 22-27 - The blessing upon the people.
A. This is the work of the priests as it is the work of God's ministers today.
B. The blessing itself - the prayer of all people.