I. This chapter is concerning vows and bonds of all the people of Israel.
A. Definitions:
1. A vow is a positive thing a person wants to do for God.
2. A bond is a negative thing a person says he will not do, thus honoring God.
3. This is not talking about anything except vows to the Lord.
4. We ought to keep our word made to neighbors, but especially to the Lord.
B. This chapter is divided into three parts.
1. Verse 2-5 - The vow of an unmarried woman or girl.
2. Verse 6-8 - The vow of a married woman.
3. Verse 9-16 - The vow of a widow or divorced woman.
C. There is no provision made to disallow the vow of a man or a young man or a boy.
1. When a man makes a vow to God, he shall keep his word even if he changes his mind.
2. He shall keep his word even if the situation changes and what he will do is not good.
3. For an example see Judges 11:29,30.
4. This fact shows us the responsibility and authority of man.
a. Not only in the leadership of Israel, religious and political.
b. But also in the home.
5. It is important to understand that young boys are treated as if they are already men.
a. This shows the importance of teaching young boys (at a very early age) why they are responsible to God, and to be careful about what they say, and how they treat others.
b. Young boys need to understand they are tomorrow’s leaders, and they need to start taking a leadership role now.
6. The man who will not take the leadership in his own home cannot be a successful leader (in the eyes of God) in the religious or political life of Israel (or any other nation).
D. The discussion about vows and bonds is placed here because:
1. Moses has just given an explanation of the sacrifices to be given.
2. He doesn't want anybody to make any rash vows concerning their future worship.
3. This is a new generation of people from that which came out of Egypt. They may not have it firmly fixed in their minds that God will judge them for everything they say and do, and for everything they say they will do.
a. This ought to be a lesson for us.
b. God will hold us guilty for everything we say we will do and don't do.
c. It is good to have good intentions, but it is better to carry out our good intentions.
II. Verse 2-5 - The vow of an unmarried woman or girl.
A. This must be a vow made unto God, not unto anyone or anything else.
B. The fathers reaction when he hears the vow.
1. If he is silent or confirms the vow, it will stand.
2. If he disallows the vow, it shall not stand.
1. The Lord forgiving her doesn’t mean she sinned in making the vow.
2. The Lord forgiving her means God will not hold her accountable (will not make her fulfill) for the vow.
III. Verse 6-8 - The vow of the married woman.
A. This is a vow made unto God, not unto anyone or anything else.
B. The husbands reaction when he hears the vow.
1. If he is silent or confirms the vow, it will stand.
2. If he disallows the vow, it shall not stand.
1. The Lord forgiving her doesn’t mean she sinned in making the vow.
2. The Lord forgiving her means God will not hold her accountable (will not make her fulfill) for the vow.
IV. Verse 9-16 - The vow of a widow.
A. Verse 9 - If a widow or divorced woman (who is not in a husbands house) vows a vow or bond unto god it will stand against her.
B. Verse 10-14 - The death of a husband does not remove a woman from the vows he approved or disapproved.
1. If the husband approved a vow or bond before his death or divorce, the vow or bond made by the woman shall stand.
2. If the husband disapproved a vow or bond before his death or divorce, the vow or bond made by the woman shall not stand.
1. The Lord forgiving her doesn’t mean she sinned in making the vow.
2. The Lord forgiving her means God will not hold her accountable (will not make her fulfill) for the vow.
D. Verse 15 - If the husband approves the vow or bond of the wife, then later changes his mind and makes it impossible for the wife to fulfill the vow, he shall bear the iniquity of the broken vow or bond. The wife is free from guilt.
V. Verse 16 - Introduction to the chapter: These are the commandments of God concerning the vows and bonds of women.
VI. This shows the unmarried woman is under the authority of her father.
A. Some today would consider this a bad thing.
B. They will say that women ought not be under the authority of their dads or husbands.
C. Some women want to be on their own, not under the protection of the fathers or husbands.
D. This authority the father and husband has is not bad for the woman, but it is a protection for her against the wrath of God.
E. Women ought to remember that not only do the father or husband have authority over them, they are also responsible for them before God.