Gal. 6:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

The story is told of a poverty stricken young preacher who was asked to preach in a small country church. Anxious to declare the Precious Word, he gladly accepted the invitation. He was the first to arrive at the dilapidated church building, and noticing a small offering box near the entry, he reached into his pocket and deposited his last bit of money, a silver dollar. He reasoned that the church would give him an offering for his services and he would use that offering as expense money to return home.

He preached the best he knew how to the few stragglers who listened without comment or expression. At the close of the service, one of the men opened the offering box and presented the young preacher with the entire contents of the box, which was one silver dollar. The man said, "If you had put more in, you would have got more out."

As that preacher grew older, he confessed that this incident provided him with the most valuable lesson of his entire life. And it is a lesson we must all learn - "We only get out, what we put in".

We all want nice things for our family, but none of these things come without cost and effort.

Our church is exactly the same way. We that belong to Independence Baptist Church know that it is a church that stands for the truth of God's Holy Word. We want our church to continue to stand for the truth and to be a great shining light to the people of this community. But we must remember that we can get no more out of our church than we put in.

Our church will be a praying church only if her members pray. Our church will be a strong church only if her members daily read the Word and practice its precepts. Our church will have good attendance only if her members are faithful to attend. Our church will have a good reputation in the community only if her members so speak as to give her a good reputation. Our church will be missionary only if her members are missionary. Our church will be able to accomplish her many goals only if the members of the church are willing to sacrifice time, talents, and money to accomplish those goals.

In short, you, not somebody else, makes our church what it is.

There are many who desire Independence Baptist Church to be what God wants her to be. Are you willing to give yourself toward that end? Or do you expect somebody else to do what you know God is leading you to do?

The following poem expresses what we all know: "We only get out, what we put in."


It isn't the preacher's flowery prayer,

Or the way the choir sings,

Or the size of the coin your neighbor gives,

Or the help your brother brings,


It isn't the size of your favorite church,

Or the cost of your favorite pew,

Or the style of clothes the members wear;

For it isn't the church -- It's YOU.


It isn't the way the work is done,

Or the way the money is spent,

Or whether the Gospel's all brought in,

Or whether there's some who sent,


It isn't the kind of creed they love,

Or peculiar things they do,

Or whether the doctrine suits your taste:

For it isn't the church -- it's YOU.


For a chain's as strong as the weakest link,

And it breaks with a heavy load,

But a church that's full of links that pull,

Can level the roughest road.


If you get in tune with the Master's will,

With your heart and your labors too,

You will love your church, though it has it's faults,

For it isn't the church -- it's YOU.

