The Proof of Believing
(is to keep on believing)
James 1:1-4
James 1:1-4, James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. {2} My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; {3} Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. {4} But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
I. The Fact of Temptations.
A. I Peter 4:12 - Don’t think it strange when fiery trials come upon you.
1. Scattered - note the trials of being scattered. (speaking to Israel, who is scattered because of unbelief.)
2. When, not if!
B. Why does God try us? Because there are things we can learn about his love and care of us that we would never understand if we did not go through various trials and temptations.
1. Example: Exodus 14:10 – God did not have to lead Israel this way, and God could have kept Egypt from pursuing Israel, just as God could have caused Pharaoh to let Israel go immediately instead of bring the 10 plagues upon Egypt.
a. Israel expressed their despair at visual circumstances, instead of expressing their trust in God that he would take care of them.
b. Israel could have expressed their faith in the promises of God and the sureness of their following the will of God by stating, "Wow! Here comes Egypt and there is no where to go! I wonder what miracle God will perform to get us out of this difficulty!"
2. Example: God could have stopped Satan from bringing sin into the world, but God allowed sin and all the resultant wickedness to come and for that wickedness to affect us.
3. What if: Independence Baptist Church begins this building project and gets into it to a point where we cannot back up and then: some church members are called away to serve God at another church; the economy collapses; some other church members get sick, or some other tragedy happens. Will we begin to question whether God is leading us? Will we begin to wonder if we should have started this building project?
II. The Forms of Temptations.
A. Divers - many and varied trials.
B. Categories of trials. (not temptations that come from Satan, or from within us.)
1. Sent by God - to prove our faith, to cause us to stand, to cause maturity.
a. James 1:12,13 – The word "temptation" in these verses is the same word as "temptation" in verse 2.
b. The word is not speaking about God leading us into sin, rather about him leading us his way, not our way, so we can learn to trust him.
c. God is leading us into victory, not defeat, and he does that in such a way so we will understanding the victory is his alone, not because of circumstances, or our own sensual wisdom or determination.
d. Example: Exodus 3:19 – God told Moses to tell Israel Pharaoh would not let them go easily, but they did not hear that part of God’s message, therefore became discouraged, Exodus 5:20-23.
e. God gives us these temptations and trials because he wants us to completely trust him, and never look to circumstances.
2. Self-inflicted doubt and trouble - shows our lack of faith in God, and dependence on self. We will fall if we trust self instead of God.
a. These are temptations into sinful wickedness, which will eventually destroy us.
b. These are self-inflicted temptations toward death while Godly "temptations or testing" is toward spiritual life and spiritual growth.
III. The Force of Temptations - "fall".
A. The word "fall" means to plunge headlong into without predetermination.
B. This is not talking about getting into temptations we "see".
1. It is one thing to be minding your own business, not looking to an opportunity to sin, and to "fall" into sin without noticing it.
2. It is quite another thing to look for the opportunity to sin.
3. You don’t "fall" into that kind of sin, you "jump" into it.
C. Luke 10:30 - In the parable of the "Good Samaritan", the man "fell" among thieves, through no fault of his own.
D. But remember that nothing comes upon us except through Jesus Christ. Satan may sent it, but God approves it.
E. Satan prepares to tempt us.
1. Do we prepare to overcome him?
2. He attacks us at our weakest moment with his strongest attack
3. We must be constantly ready.
4. Even when we are weakest, we must be ready for Satan’s strongest attacks.
IV. The Facing of Temptations.
A. Not a sin to be tempted. Jesus was tempted. It is a sin to fall as a result of temptations.
B. Temptations don’t necessarily come because of sin. Some come because we are sinners. Some come because we are serving God now, and some come because we have a great service to do very soon, like Jesus who was tempted of Satan just before He began His personal ministry.
C. Causes us to grow in patience.
D. I Corinthians 10:13 - All are tempted equally, God will help us overcome. Note three points:
1. But - It is a common temptation.
2. But - The temptation is not too strong for us to overcome.
3. But - There is an escape for the temptation if we take it.
E. II Peter 2:9 - God knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations.
F. Hebrews 2:18 (16-18) - Christ was tempted and is able to succour (come to the aid of) those that are tempted.
G. Matthew 4 - Christ used scripture to defeat Satan. So must we.
V. The Fruit of Temptation. (NOTE: It is not a sin to be tempted, it is a sin to yield to that temptation.)
A. Enjoyment - v. 2 - Because God is getting ready to bless us.
1. Revelation 7:13,14 - People before the throne have had victory in Christ over the Great Tribulation. Surely we will have victory over trials.
2. Revelation 21:4 - In eternity, God will wipe away our tears. And just as surely, he will make us rejoice in victory now.
3. Hebrews 12:2,3 - Jesus did not enjoy the suffering of the cross, but he endured it because of the joy that was to come. So it is with us. We do not enjoy being tempted, but we know that resisting temptations brings a greater joy now than the temptation, and eternal rewards.
4. II Corinthians 12:8-10 - The weakness of Paul’s flesh forced him to trust God more than ever, even to the point of enjoying his weakness, because his weakness caused him to be more aware of the power of God.
5. Luke 22:31-32 - God allowed Satan to sift Peter so he could understand what he was, and what God was.
a. Peter’s life was different when he was tempted, and converted.
b. The word "convert" doesn’t mean to be saved, but to see ones true self which causes him to turn from self to true worship again.
B. Endurance - v.3 - worketh patience (means to bear up under).
1. Causes us to really understand Romans 8:28.
2. All things to work together for our good and God’s glory.
3. It is wrong for us to look at our past trials with hate or bitterness.
4. It is time to stop saying "Woe is me! Look how much I’ve been through!"
5. It is time to glorify God because He has been with us through all those things!
C. Enlargement – verse 3 - perfect (not sinless perfection, but complete, mature. Entire - complete in every part.)
D. Enrichment - v. 3 - wanting nothing.
1. If somebody is going to give me a million dollars, I wouldn’t protest.
2. We shouldn’t protest if God is going to give us many rewards in eternity.
3. II Timothy 2:12 - If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him.