The Incomplete Gospel
Gal. 1:6-9
Galatians 1:6-9, I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: {7} Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. {8} But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. {9} As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
The problem with the churches at Galatia was they had been saved by the true grace of God, but had not continued to serve God in grace. They heard a different message from a false preacher about how they had to live for God, not how God should live in them. This is going on today in many religious circles. The gospel is being preached differently today than in days past. This is why there are some many people that say they are saved, yet have no fruits of their salvation.
There is no salvation if God doesn't continue to deal with that person for scriptural baptism and faithful service. The story of Lot is the story of a saved person who never really became what we would call faithful in service, although God called him just, II Peter 27,8. So there can be salvation without faithful service, but there cannot be salvation if God doesn't deal with that person concerning faithful service. This statement is the core of this message.
Example: A young person wants more than to meet their mate, or to be simply introduced to them, or to simply marry them. They want fellowship with them all of their lives. The person who is lost needs the gospel, then they need more - baptism. Baptism is not a part of the gospel, (using the word "gospel" in the strictest sense of the word) then service in the Lord's church. Service is not a part of the gospel (using the word "gospel" in the strictest sense of the word).
I. Some scriptures that speak about salvation, baptism and service as if they were one.
A. Acts 2:37,38 - Why did Peter preach that they ought to repent and be baptized?
1. Some would have us believe that baptism is a part of being saved.
2. But baptism is not a part of being saved, but rather a part of living for Christ.
3. Remember Gal. 3:27 - by being baptized, we put our candle (light) on the candlestick (compare Matt. 5:15 and Rev. 1:20).
B. Acts 16:30 - Note verse 32 - After Paul and Silas told the man that he needed to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved, they told him how he needed to be scripturally baptized in order to live a life for the Lord.
1. This he readily did.
2. He did not submit to baptism that he might be saved, this was taken care of in verse 31.
3. But we really ought to notice that the preachers didn't leave off baptism, they included it in their message.
4. A lot of preachers and teachers today don't do this.
5. They believe the only thing necessary is to preach only the gospel.
6. The gospel is the only thing necessary for that person to be saved, but we also need to include how that person can lead a satisfactory life before god.
C. Acts 8:26-40 - Philip preaching to the Ethiopian eunuch.
1. The eunuch was reading from Isaiah 53.
2. This passage is a description about the death of Christ for our sins.
3. The eunuch didn't understand what he was reading, so Philip joined him and explained to him what the scripture meant.
4. But note that baptism is not in Isaiah 53, yet in Acts 8:36, the eunuch declared that he wanted to be baptized.
5. The Campbellites would have us believe that Philip added to Isaiah 53 and declared that the eunuch would have to be baptized in order to be saved.
6. Yet this cannot be because in verse 37 Philip put the condition on baptism as believing on Christ.
7. Now by looking at the scripture, we can tell that Philip was presenting the gospel (salvation of the spirit) and concluding with how a life can be saved.
8. He was preaching a complete message, salvation and Godly living.
9. This is so much better than the one sided messages we often hear today.
D. Baptism - Gal. 3:27 - If you're baptized, you've put on Christ.
1. Salvation and Baptism are two separate acts - John 4:1
2. Acts 2:37,38 - On the day of Pentecost the people were told to (1) repent and (2) be baptized. Acts 2:41 - (1) They that gladly received the word were (2) baptized. Verse 42 - they continued stedfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship. They were continually "putting on Christ", just like faith keeps on coming as we keep on hearing, Rom. 10:17.
3. Acts 8:12 - The people at Samaria (1) believed [1] the things concerning the kingdom of God and [2] the name of Jesus Christ (power) and (2) were baptized.
4. Acts 16:12 - The beginnings of the church at Philippi. Acts 16:14,15 - Lydia heard and (1) the Lord opened her heart and (2) she was baptized. Acts 16:30 - The Philippian jailer heard that he should (1) believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and (2) that he should be baptized. (He was baptized that same night, so he had to hear about baptism that same night!) He had a church to congregate with.
6. Acts 18:8-11 - The Corinthians (1) hearing believed and (2) was baptized. Paul was instructed by the Holy Spirit to remain in Corinth and teach the truth. He stayed for 1½ years, continually building the local church.
II. Service - Eph. 3:21 - Unto Him be glory in the church. This part of the message, like baptism, is not a part of the gospel (i.e. not necessary for salvation of the spirit), but it is necessary for the salvation of the life.
A. We must put our light on the candlestick.
1. Matt. 5:15 - We must put our light on the candlestick.
2. Rev. 1:20 - The seven candlesticks are the seven churches.
B. II Cor. 11:2 - Present as a chaste virgin to Christ.
1. From the church, the Lord will chose His bride.
2. Please notice who the apostle Paul is writing to.
3. A church is an assembly, not a non-assembly.
C. Just any church won't do.
1. A lot of times it is preached, "Go, join the church of your choice."
2. This is error.
3. We ought to join the church of Jesus' choice!
D. Let's draw a parallel between the Lord's church and the husband and wife (home).
1. Eph. 5:22-33 - (verse 32) Paul is using the example of the home to explain more fully about the Lord's church.
2. II Cor. 11:2 - The church ought to be presented as a chaste virgin to Christ. Certainly both partners in the marriage ought to be virgins when they marry.
3. But in religion, people simply lose all sense of reasoning. They will say one church is as good as another, when they know:
a. one paycheck is not as good as another. I want the paycheck that belongs to me. So does everybody else. Taking the wrong paycheck may be called stealing.
b. One car (truck) is not as good as another. If you take the wrong vehicle, that's called stealing.
c. One house is not as good as another. If you enter the wrong house, that's called illegal entry.
d. One wife (husband) is not as good as another. If you take the wrong wife (husband) that's called adultery.
e. One child is not as good as another. If you take the wrong child, that's called kidnapping.
E. Rev. 19:6-8 - We must be faithful in the right church before Christ will even consider me for a part of His bride.
1. There is be a lot of people in heaven that will not be in the bride.
2. We are in the bride by grace, not by works.
3. I am in salvation by grace, not by works.
4. People that believe they must do certain things before God will chose them to be a part of His bride are doing exactly the same thing the church at Galatia was doing.
F. Regardless of what kind of trouble you are in, you can learn enough to be stable in Christ in less than three years.
1. Acts 18:8-11 - Paul taught these people everything they needed to know in 1 year and six months.
2. Acts 11:26 - Paul and Barnabas assembled with the church a whole year, teaching enough truth for them to stand for Christ for the rest of their lives.
3. Gal. 1:18 - There is a school of thought that Paul was taught of God in the wilderness for three years.
The Perverted Gospel
Gal. 1:6-12
The perverted gospel is not another gospel or a new gospel, but a perversion of the true gospel. It is declaring that the spiritual aspects of the gospel are attainable by the natural man. That is; that a man can believe in his head and be saved. It is believing that all the spiritual parts of salvation and service can be accomplished by the natural man. This gospel completely disregards the work of salvation, and God the Holy Spirit in drawing sinners to salvation and service. This gospel completely disregards the spiritual side of service while claiming to enlighten saved people to greater service.
Salvation doesn't come by education, it comes by revelation.
It is error to:
John 8:30-59 - This is not a modern problem. It has been with us as long as there have been men on the earth. Read this portion of scripture and see that these people who "believed" were not lost before they "believed". These believers argued with Christ about everything He said and finally took up stones to kill Him.
Many church members today get mad at the preacher because of what he preaches, or mad at the church because they don't do everything they believe they ought to do. This is a good evidence they are lost. They may have made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, but the proof of the pudding (in the way they lie) is in the eating. A person who gets mad and won't come to church to worship God probably doesn't (and can't) worship God anyway. There will be disagreements from time to time, but when those disagreements are unreasonable, then one of the parties don't want them resolved. They had rather stay mad so everybody will know how much they have been hurt. They don't care that everybody will know how great their Savior is or how much they love God or how much God loves them, they want everybody to know how much they have been hurt. This is not the mind of Christ, but of Satan, and the one doing such is following the devil and not God.
A through reading of John 8:30-59 will shed much light on true salvation.