The Trial of Your Faith
I Peter 1:7
Your faith will surely be tried.
A. Faith, in the very nature of it, implies it will be tried.
B. Trial is the very element of faith.
C. It is the honor of God to be tried.
D. Two reasons for the trial of faith.
1. To prove its sincerity.
2. To prove its strength.
E. The trial of your faith is necessary to remove impurities.
Your faith will be tried in various ways.
F. There are some whose faith is tried daily in their communion with God.
G. Faith is tried by the blessings we receive from God.
1. Material Riches – tithes and offerings.
2. Riches of a good family.
3. The praise of men.
H. Heritical doctrine and false teachings.
I. But the trial of your faith usually comes in the form of affliction.
Your faith will be tried individually.
Your faith will be tried searchingly.
Your faith will be tried for an abundantly useful purpose.
J. That your faith will increase, develop, deepen, and strengthen.
K. The trial of our faith leads us to a discovery of ourselves and to the power of God and truth of His Holy Word.
L. The trial of our faith gives glory to God.
M. The trial of our faith helps our fellow Christians.
The faith of some is tried for more special reasons than others.
N. Some are more fit to have their faith tested than others.
O. Some are established for special service to God.