II Peter 1:12-21

A Very Personal Look at Apostle Peter

Part # 1

Verse 12 - The Purpose of Peter's Life.

Verse 12, Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.

I. Wherefore.

A. This word refers to the thoughts in verses 1-11.

B. Peter feels his responsibility is toward these people.

1. He is not saying these things so that he will receive anything.

2. Peter knows he has received eternal blessings from God, and desires these people to receive even greater blessings than he.

II. Remembrance.

A. Peter is not teaching some new doctrine.

1. He is reminding them of a doctrine they already know.

2. He is well aware of their condition before God.

a. It is amazing that a great apostle like Peter would take notice of plain, everyday church members, whose names are not even mentioned in the Bible.

b. It is good for pastors to know the condition of their members, even those church members that might be considered "insignificant". (In truth, there are no insignificant members.)

B. They need to be reminded.

1. Saved people forget some of the lessons we learn.

2. We shouldn't be surprised that we forget, because these people who were taught by the apostles also forgot.

3. We shouldn't make excuses for our forgetting, but know that forgetting is a sin.

4. If we forget, we won't live a Christian life.

C. I Tim. 4:6 - A good pastor will always put his people in remembrance of the things they already know.

III. Know and Established.

A. Know - They are able to perceive the truth.

B. Established.

1. They are not new born babies in Christ.

2. They have not only heard these things before, they have practiced them before.

3. II Thess. 2:15 - Paul instructs the Thessalonians to hold fast to the traditions they have been taught.

4. Just because we have been taught, and established in truth doesn't mean we don't need to try to continue.

C. Preachers need to be aware of the need of their people to hear the same truths over and over again.

1. Preachers shouldn't think they aren't taking care of their people if they preach the same things over and over.

2. Preachers ought to be careful to give their people a good variety of truth, not just preaching the same subject over and over again.

3. Church members who get tired of hearing the same truths have never really been taught and established in that truth.

IV. Present truth.

A. This is really talking about the truth Peter is speaking about in verse 1-11.

B. That truth was present with them, and that same truth is present with us today.

1. Customs, styles and traditions change, but God's Word never changes.

2. What was good for the people 2,000 years ago is good for us in this "modern" age.

3. People are still people, regardless of the age in which they live.

Part # 2

The First Reason for Peter's Purpose of Living

Verse 13-15, Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; {14} Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath showed me. {15} Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.

I. Verse 13.

A. "Meet" - The most necessary thing.

B. The most important thing in Peter's life is to carry the message of Christ.

1. The phrase "as long as I am in this tabernacle".

2. Peter is recognizing that he is not his body, but he lives in his body, which he calls a tabernacle.

3. I believe we would be more apt to live a Christian life if we would recognize that we are going to live somewhere when we put off this body.

C. Stir up.

1. Picture it like stirring a mixture in a pot.

2. If it wasn't stirred, it would gradually settle, separating into its various components, contrary to the desires of the cook.

3. All the ingredients would still be there, but they wouldn't be like the cook wants them to be.

D. Remembrance.

1. The picture is not that these people must learn again, but that they need to be reminded of what they already know.

2. The folks in Hebrews 5:11-14 needed to learn again the first principles of the oracles of God.

II. Verse 14, Peter is the only person since Christ who knew he would die before the return of the Lord.

A. John 21:18,19 - Jesus told Peter the kind of death he would die, but He didn't tell anybody they would die before His return.

B. Peter shows no sorrow at leaving this world.

1. The Bible says we should weep when a baby is born into this world because of all the sorrow they are facing. We ought to shout for joy when a saint of God goes home because their troubles and trials in this world are over, and they are at home with the Lord.

2. When we weep at the grave of a saved loved one, we are weeping more for our loss than for their death. We are the ones left behind in sorrow, they are in joy with Jesus.

C. Other people who believed Christ would come back in their lifetime.

1. Jesus.

a. Matt. 24:42 - Jesus instructed his people to watch for His return, for they didn't know when He would come.

b. Matt. 25:13 - Jesus instructed his people to watch for His return, for they didn't know when He would come.

2. Paul.

a. I Thess 4:17 - "We" which are alive and remain.

b. I Thess 5:7-10 - God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation, whether we wake (live) or sleep (die).

c. Titus 2:13 - Paul instructed Titus to instruct his people to look for the return of Christ.

3. Peter.

a. II Peter 1:15 - Peter is concerned with the generation he is writing to, not for any generation that come after them.

b. Peter knows he will soon die, but he believes those to whom he is writing will not die.

c. At least, there is no mention of another generation.

III. Verse 15, When Peter is silent in the grave, he endeavors that the message of Christ will not be silent.

A. Moreover. In addition to verse 13 and 14, and because of these verses.

B. Endeavor.

1. Peter will do all it is humanly possible to do.

2. He makes no vain suggestions that everybody he works with will be faithful to God.

3. True success (in the eyes of God) is standing for the truth, not necessarily "converting" those that listen.

C. Ye may be able.

1. Peter will so live and work that these people might be able to be fully matured Christians.

2. He wants them to so live that they will be able to pass on to the next generation (if there is to be one) those truths they lived by.

3. Actually, there is no mention of another generation after the generation Peter is writing to!

D. After my decease.

1. See notes on verse 14.

2. Peter doesn't mean to sadden these people by speaking of his death, but to encourage them to remember how he has lived a victorious live through the promises of God, in spite of knowing he will die shortly.

E. To have these things in remembrance.

1. The knowledge of those who have passed on leaves us swiftly.

2. Peter desires they won't forget the living God after he has died.

3. Peter doesn't desire that these people observe a set of rules and regulations he has laid down.

4. He knows that if they keep in memory the truths concerning the promises of God they will live victorious lives.

5. This same truth is appropriate for us today.

F. Some don't believe in the imminent return of Christ for they declare that Peter wasn't looking for Christ to return at any instant.

1. It is true that Peter wasn't looking for the Lord's return!

2. John 21:18,19, Peter was looking for that which Christ told him to look for, his death.

3. Everybody else was looking for Jesus to return after Peter died.

4. Methuselah, whose name means "it shall be sent", or "man of the dart", died the year of the flood.

5. The folks of that day would not look for the flood to come until Methuselah died, then they had better get ready.

6. Peter is given to us like Methuselah was given to the antediluvian people.

7. We should look for Christ to come after Peter has died.

8. See our other comments, Verse 14, II, C.

Part # 3

The Second Reason for Peter's Purpose of Living

Verse 16-18, For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. {17} For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. {18} And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.

I. Verse 16.

A. We haven't followed fables.

1. Every nationality and religion has its own fables of creation, and salvation.

a. A very short study into Methodology will reveal this truth.

b. These fables are taught by Satanic cults, who endeavor to confuse the simple.

2. The fact that every nationality has almost the same stories of creation, destruction in a flood, and a promise of eternal redemption shows us that all nations come from a single source, with the same history.

a. The stories are somewhat different because each person's "take" on the account is somewhat different.

b. The "natural" (lost) people have intermingled their own theology into the truth to come up with the various fables of methodology.

B. When we made known to you (by writing and preaching).

1. Acts 2:14-36 records one of the first messages of Peter.

2. Acts 10:34-43 gives the record of Peter preaching to Cornelius and his household.

C. The power and coming of Jesus Christ.

1. The power to save, and forgive exceedingly great wickedness.

2. The coming of Christ back to this earth to receive His own.

a. Peter preached to them what he wasn't looking for.

b. Peter was looking for death, they ought to be looking for the return of Christ.

c. Both Peter and the people were looking for the thing commanded of them.

D. We are eyewitnesses of his majesty.

1. The majesty spoken of could be at Christ's baptism or on the Mount of Transfiguration.

2. See verse 17 and 18 for a fuller description.

II. Verse 17, 18.

A. The trinity is mentioned in this verse.

1. God the Father gave the glory to Jesus, the Son.

2. The glory came through the Holy Spirit.

B. This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.

1. These words were said by God the Father about Christ two times.

a. Matt. 3:17 - At the baptism of Christ.

b. Matt. 17:5 - At the Mount of Transfiguration.

2. It is difficult to tell which time Peter is talking about.

a. Verse 17 could be talking about the time Jesus was baptized.

b. Verse 18 is talking about the Mount of Transfiguration.

3. I believe it is possible for Peter to be referring to both times.

a. Peter was baptized by John the Baptist.

b. There is no proof, however, that Peter was present when Jesus was baptized.

C. A voice from heaven.

1. Only special people hear voices from heaven.

2. There are a lot of "crack pots" today who falsely declare they have heard voices from heaven.

3. Acts 9:7 - Paul heard the voice of God speaking to him when he was going to Damascus. The men with Paul also heard it, but didn't understand because the message wasn't for them.

4. I personally believe that the Old Testament prophets heard the voice of God speaking to them. Samuel is a good example.

D. Peter was not alone as a witness to this event.

1. Matt. 17:1 - Peter, James and John were all witnesses.

2. In the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established.

a. Deut. 17:6 - Two or three witnesses was required to put a man to death.

b. Matt. 18:16 - An accusation against a brother in Christ is sealed with two or three witnesses.

c. What was good in the Old Testament is also good in the New Testament.

d. If a man could be put to death at the mouth of two or three witnesses, surely a man can accept the witness of two or three for life!

Part # 4

The Third Reason for Peter's Purpose of Living

Verse 19, We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

I. A more sure word of prophecy.

A. Contrary to what many commentaries say, I do not believe this passage is talking about the Old Testament being a more sure word of prophecy.

1. Peter uses the word "we" to describe who has this more sure word of prophecy.

a. The "we" is referring to the apostles, not the members of the churches.

b. I do understand that some commentaries make the "we" to refer to verse 20 and 21, which speaks about the Old Testament.

c. I believe the "we" is referring to verse 16-18, which speaks of the apostles as being eyewitnesses of the fulfilling of Old Testament prophecies.

d. The word "also" means "furthermore" or "in addition".

e. Peter has already given two points as to why he encourages these people to be obedient. Now he gives a third.

2. God inspired only the apostles to write the New Testament.

a. Acts 1:21-22 gives the qualifications of an apostle.

b. They must have traveled with Christ from the Baptism of John until his Ascension.

c. He must be baptized with the baptism of John.

d. All the writers of the New Testament are apostles.

B. Peter is not saying that the prophecies received by the apostles is greater, or superior to the Old Testament prophets.

C. Peter is not saying that there is any fault in the Old Testament prophecies.

D. He is declaring that what the apostles have been inspired to write, reveals that the Old Testament is absolutely true.

1. Both the Old Testament and New Testament are inspired by God.

2. The same Holy Spirit that inspired the Old Testament prophets also inspired the New Testament apostles.

3. A thorough investigation into the New Testament writings will reveal a confirmation of all Old Testament prophecies.

4. II Peter 3:2 - The Old Testament scriptures is "spoken before by the holy prophets."

5. II Peter 3:3 - The New Testament scriptures is "us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour."

II. Ye would do well to take heed.

A. This study ought to take precedence in the life of the saved person.

B. It must be noted that Peter is not writing to a lost person about salvation.

1. He is writing to saved people about them being faithful to God.

2. In 1:4-11 the subject is the saved becoming like Christ because they are living according to the promises of God, making their calling and election sure.

III. As unto a light that shineth in a dark place.

A. The light is Jesus Christ spoken of in the Old Testament.

1. The meaning is that Christ, who is the light, has shined his brightness in the darkness of this worlds sin.

2. The Old Testament prophecies about the coming Christ.

3. The New Testament reveals those prophecies are true.

B. John 3:19-21 - What a person does with the light determines if we have the Lord or not.

1. Rom. 13:12 - It is time for saved people to cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.

2. I John 2:8 - John writes a new commandment, which is the old commandment.

a. The darkness is past and the true light now shineth.

b. If the darkness of past physical deeds is not past there would be no need to write the new commandment.

IV. Until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your heart.

A. There are some things that must take place before these two things happen.

1. Verse 20,21 - They must first know and believe in their hearts that the Old Testament prophets were inspired by God.

a. They must also believe that the Old Testament scriptures are not for any private interpretation.

b. That is, they cannot decide for themselves what the scripture means.

c. They must let "scripture interpret (explain) scripture".

2. They must take heed.

a. A casual observation will not do.

b. They are commanded to be diligent in their search.

B. Until the day dawn.

1. This is not talking about salvation.

2. It is talking about having the kind of faith in Christ that will allow a person to live for God regardless of earthly circumstances.

3. I Thess. 5:5 - Saved people are children of the day or light, not children of the night or darkness.

C. Day star arise in your hearts.

1. The Day Star is Jesus Christ.

2. Num. 24:17 - There shall come a star out of Jacob.

3. Rev. 2:28 - The faithful at Thyatira promised the morning star.

4. Rev. 22:16 - Jesus declares He is the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning star.

5. Until you have a new awakening.

a. This is not salvation, for they were already saved.

b. This is a greater understanding that comes from a higher knowledge of Holy Scripture.

D. Conclusion.

1. They have accepted the Old Testament prophets as inspired, now they must accept the New Testament apostles because they have proven the Old Testament prophets correct.

2. They have accepted the Old Testament as the inspired Word of God, therefore they ought to accept the New Testament, which is the inspired writing of the apostles.

3. A person must be an apostle to write in the New Testament. See the qualifications of an apostle, Acts 1:21,22.

4. I Tim. 4:1 - Spirit speaketh expressly through New Testament apostles, in this case, Paul.

5. The New Testament prophets are equal to the Old Testament prophets.

6. Peter is not bragging, or complaining. He is simply stating the truth.

Verse 20,21, Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. {21} For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

I. Knowing this first.

A. This phrase is directed specifically toward those who are discussed in above verses.

B. If any person doesn't first know that the Old Testament scriptures interpret New Testament scripture, they can go no further.

II. No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

A. There are at least two kinds of prophecy.

1. There is the prophecy about end time events. This is not the meaning here.

2. There is the prophecy about the coming of Jesus Christ to the earth as a savior. This is the meaning here.

B. Private interpretation.

1. There is no justification for anybody saying, "Well, you interpret the Bible one way, and I interpret it another way."

2. It is not our place to interpret the Bible.

3. The Bible is fully able to interpret itself, if we will get our thoughts and opinions out of the way so we can understand what is being said.