Why We Are To Be Faithful
I Peter 1:13-16
Read the text, make some comments concerning our faithfulness to God, and our being holy because God is holy.
See the word "wherefore" in verse 13. Verse 13-16 is a concluding thought to verse 1-12.
Verse 1 – We are strangers – to this world, but not to the world to come.
Verse 2 – The entire trinity is working on us.
a. We are the elect of God – chosen in eternity, made known to us in time.
b. We will be sanctified through the spirit of God.
c. We are brought to obedience (salvation) through the blood of Christ.
Verse 3 – We are brought to salvation in time by the resurrection of Christ.
Verse 4 – We have an inheritance that will never fade away, reserved for us.
Verse 5 – We are kept by the power of God because we are unable to keep ourselves.
Verse 6 – We greatly rejoice in these blessings, even though the troubles, trials and tribulations of this present life are heavy upon us.
Verse 7 – We understand that the trials of this life is for the building up of our faith in Christ, that Christ alone will get the glory and honor for our victorious living. All of these things will come to full light at the rapture, when we are able to more clearly understand what God has done for us.
Verse 8 – We have never seen Jesus, but we believe in him without seeing him, and rejoice with great joy.
Verse 9 – The end of our faith, the full salvation of our spirit, soul and body will happen at the rapture when we receive new bodies.
Verse 10-12 – We have received in Christ what the prophets searched for, and we will receive at the rapture the fulness of all these things.
That is well reason to gird up the loins of our minds, to be obedient to God and all his commands, to be holy, and to stop willful sinning.