James 1:16-18
Verse 16 - Do not err, my beloved brethren. - because of the trials and troubles of this life. This scripture is placed here so we won't doubt the goodness of God in the midst of trouble.
I don't know if verse 16 applies to verse 14,15 or 16-18, but it seems very appropriate to apply the verse to both verses 14,15 and verses 16-18. If we err concerning temptations we will fall from our own stedfastness. If we err concerning the goodness of God, we will be unable to see how good God is to us, therefore, we will become discouraged and fall from our own stedfastness.
Verse 17-18, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. {18} Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
I. The Goodness of God.
A. Trials and tribulations are really blessings in disguise.
1. Ex. 14:13 - the testing at the Red Sea was so Israel could learn that God would take care of them, by means they couldn't think of.
2. Luke 13:6-9 - dung the fig tree because it had no fruit, only leaves.
3. Matt. 21:19 - Christ cursed the fig tree because it had no fruit, only leaves.
4. Which fig tree had you rather be? No. 2 or No. 3?
5. We prune the fruit trees so they'll bear more fruit.
6. Chuck Bruner telling me the best thing for his walnut tree was a good sound beating. It worked!
B. "Every good gift and every perfect gift" - Are there any "bad" gifts from God?
1. Rom. 8:28 - Everything happens for our good.
2. All Satan's temptations will turn to our good, if properly used.
II. Father of Lights (God's revealed glory).
A. The glory of God is always shining.
1. The sun is always shining, sometimes we can't see it.
2. Sometimes we live in the shadow of the sun (behind a cloud).
3. We aren't thrown into a depression when we can't "feel" the sun's rays, therefore we shouldn't be thrown into a depression when we can't "feel" the presence of God. We just need to know He is still there.
4. Matt. 5:16 - Let others see Christ in us. When we stand in the sun's rays, we cast a shadow. When we stand in God's glory, is anybody standing in our shadow? Let us not forget that folks ought to see God "through" us. Let us not be "solid", not letting God's glory pass through us to others, but let us constantly reveal Christ.
B. No variableness, neither shadow of turning.
1. The earth is situated a certain distance from the sun to keep its temperatures habitable.
2. God adjusts His revealed glory to keep us from being destroyed.
a. by not getting enough - and dying and going to hell.
b. by getting too much, as Moses:
1) hiding in the cleft of the rock.
2) hiding his face by a veil.
3) Mal. 3:6 - Since God doesn't change, we are not consumed.
III. Verse 18 - The grace of God.
A. Of his own will - this is grace without mentioning the word "grace".
B. We are begotten by the Word of Truth. (The preaching of the Word).
C. The purpose behind every circumstance is that the Jews might be a kind of firstfruits. (We must remember that James is writing to the Jews, not the Gentiles, James 1:1. There is no doubt in my mind, however, that these scriptures can be correctly applied to Gentiles, but the proper interpretation is that James is speaking to Jews).
1. Num. 18:12-14 - The first fruits are not burned on an altar (Lev. 2:12), but are eaten by the "clean" person. Of all the five types of offerings given by the Jews (burnt, peace, sin, meat {meal}, trespass), the peace offering is the only offering that is eaten by the giver. The Offering of the firstfruits is not considered to be one of the "offerings".
2. Deut. 26:1-11 - The procedure for offering the firstfruits.
3. Bottom line is that the first fruits were displayed before the Lord, then consumed by the giver. (We are the recipient of all the blessings of the Lord.)
4. Therefore God desires us to be "on display", to show his goodness and glory.