Every Good Gift and Every Perfect Gift
James 1:17
I. Spiritual Gifts.
A. Salvation - verse 18
B. Baptism in a true Baptist church.
C. Told how to be faithful to God in that church.
D. Called to the ministry.
E. Called to pastor here.
II. Material blessings.
A. Born in US - parents - if not - I would not have heard the gospel message.
B. Health.
C. Good place to live.
D. Family love
III. Blessings for others.
A. Gen. 39:3 - Joseph prospered because he did what God told him to do. (See also Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Laban.
B. Deut. 29:1-9 - God before Israel and Moses telling them God would make them prosperous if they would obey God.
C. II Chronicles 26:1-5 - Uzziah was blessed because he served God.
IV. Future blessings.
A. John 14-15 - We have a place prepared for us which we will inhabit one day.
B. I Thess 4:13-18 - We are awaiting the rapture.