(Acquired Inattentive Dullness Syndrome)
Romans 1:26,27
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a physical disease in which the bodies immune system fails to operate correctly. This disease is brought on mostly by the misuse of the body by homosexual acts, and by using non-sterilized needles in intravenous drug usage. There are a few cases of AIDS that have been caused by heterosexual acts with a practicing homosexual or bisexual, blood transfusions, or to children born to mothers with AIDS. The majority of cases can be traced directly to some illicit act of sin against the body God gave us.
Rolling Stone magazine recently said the AIDS epidemic was sparked 30 years ago by a polio vaccine, which was accidentally contaminated with a monkey virus. The 3/30 USN&WR says most scientists dismiss this idea, but say African monkeys are almost certainly the source of the deadly virus. The 1/20 Christian News said: "AIDS was brought to America by homosexuals. They are the ones who spread it. It was a disease that at first was almost totally confined to homosexuals. Now it is spread to heterosexuals, transfusion recipients, and druggies. Its original name was GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency). That name put the blame right where it belonged." -- CC (Copied from the May, 1992 Baptist Challenge.)
I need to say that a homosexual is not saved, even though he may cry loudly that he is saved. Paul states in I Cor. 6:9-11, that some of the Corinthians were "abusers of themselves with mankind". This means they were Sodomites, a sin which was common among the heathen - and is still common among the heathens of this day! I personally have no sympathy for the earthly plight of these unfortunate people, because they have grievously sinned against God, his fellowmen, and his own body. We need to remember that they can be forgiven and eternally saved by the marvelous grace of God. When God saves them, they will stop their wickedness and even preach against what they formerly enjoyed. They will, however, still have to pay the earthly consequences of their evil ways.
The physical plague of AIDS is a symbol of the spiritual plague of AIDS (Acquired Inattentive Dullness Syndrome) that has filled our land. The "Christian" no longer knows what sin is because most preachers don't preach against sin, tickling their listeners ears instead. These same "Christians" fail to spend daily time in the scriptures and prayers, leaving that duty to the "clergy" or paid helpers in the "church". All over our land, television and radio spews out filth and wickedness in the form of humor and entertainment, while gullible people unthinkingly sit and drink in its filth by the hour. Because their minds are dull to the Word of God, their minds also become dull to sin, and its consequences. When the truth of God's Holy Word is proclaimed, many of the listeners can't understand what is being said because they have Acquired Inattentive Dullness Syndrome.
I. Acquired - A saved person must obtain this spiritual deafness. It does not come "naturally" to the saved person. The newborn babe desires the sincere milk of the word that he may grow thereby. This shows us two elements to this spiritually deficient "Christian".
A. They have shunned their own spiritual nature, just like the homosexual has shunned his own physical nature.
1. In Acts 2:41-47, people were saved, baptized, added to the church and continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. In others words, they developed (grew up) spiritually. They were not content to remain babes in Christ.
2. Acts 17:11 - The saints at Berea were more noble than those at Thessalonica because they not only heard the Word of God, but searched the scriptures daily, determining for themselves the truthfulness of what they heard.
B. This condition comes on slowly - so slowly that most of the time, it is not recognized.
1. Matt. 13:15 - Their ears are dull of hearing, they have closed their eyes, ears, and heart.
2. Hebrews 5:11 - Paul would teach more doctrine, but the Hebrews were dull of hearing.
3. Luke 12:56 - These hypocrites could discern the face of the sky, but couldn't discern the time.
4. John 8:43 - Jesus wasn't understood because the people couldn't understand what he was talking about.
5. II Tim. 3:7 - Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
C. The condition of Israel.
1. Deut. 32:28 - They have become a nation void of counsel.
2. Ps. 106:7 - A look at past generations shows that the fathers didn't understand what God was doing.
3. Isaiah 1:3 - The ox knows his master, but Israel doesn't know their God, neither do they consider.
4. Jeremiah 4:22 - Israel knows how to do evil, but not good.
II. Inattentive
III. Deficiency