Women misusing their bodies
Romans 1:26
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature
This verse is probably talking about homosexual women: lesbians. At least verse 27 seems to be talking about homosexual men.
There is more to this verse than just sexual preference. There is the nature of men and women that is being changed. It is the women that begin to prefer the company of other women more than the company of their own husbands, or likely "husband material". The one command God has given women is to submit themselves to their own husbands. If a woman doesn't have a husband, Paul commands that "....the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. I Tim. 5:14. Note: the only thing God commanded the woman to do is to submit herself to her own husband in the Lord, for this is right. This is the very thing many young women are going away from today. May God help us each one to see the importance of the home to our own individual well being, the well being of our community, and our nation.
Women have begun to leave this God appointed place for a place of their own. The women's movement has attacked the very home of our nation, and many people don't seem to realize what is going on. Most women believe they must have a job and a career to be successful, or to be "fulfilled". Women are bombarded with those that believe having a husband, bearing children, and guiding the house is not enough. Any woman that has tried to do that knows that is a very big job, and cannot be trusted to the faint hearted, the easily discouraged, or the lazy.