James 2:1-7
The Correct Way To Judge Others
There are three divisions to this chapter.
Verse 1-7.
Verse 8-13.
Verse 14-26.
This is the first division of James chapter 2 (verse 1-7).
Tell the story of visiting the man in jail who had robbed a gas station and tried to kill the attendant by shooting him 6 times point blank and hadn't killed him. The man was in jail, and asked the question from Matt. 7:1,2 - "Judge not that ye be not judged." He stated that the entire judicial system was wrong because they were going to judge him and sentence him to jail for robbing the gas station and trying to kill the attendant. The point this young man missed is that it is not wrong to judge the actions of people. But, we must be constantly on guard that we judge righteous judgment. Matt. 7:1-5 rightly points out that we ought to continually consider our own sinfulness as we judge the actions of others. This would take care of haughty judgments, and hasty statements as to what we would do if we were them.
I. Verse 1. Do not have such views of the Christian faith as to judge others by their outward appearance. Christ is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34 - Peter says this when Cornelius is saved.)
II. Verse 2. Assembly. Not Greek word "ekklesia", but "sungoge" meaning "synagogue", probably Jewish. Some think this refers to a meeting place for making judgments.
A. Judging people.
1. Deut. 1:17 - judge righteous judgment.
2. In church services, make no preference for the rich, or the poor.
B. Not talking about seniority, authority or calling.
1. The church is to treat the aged with respect while the aged respect their position of teaching the younger generations.
2. The pastor has more authority in the church than anyone, but must remember that he will be judged accordingly.
3. Those with special callings (pastor, deacons {or other men who are leaders}) are recognized as having more authority than others, and they must not abuse this authority.
C. Not talking about "judging" in relation to church discipline. Sometimes it is necessary to exclude members from the body of Christ (local church), and God expects us to do this when necessary, but even in this judgment, we don't condemn the person, but judge wicked acts.
D. We must remember that all are sinners saved by the grace of God.
1. All are on the same level as far as their moral worth is concerned.
2. All worship the same God the same way (spirit and truth) but none worship from the same rank, office or age.
3. All strangers should be accepted and everything possible done to win their souls to the Lord, not his pocketbook, or his standing in the community.
III. Result of judging according to appearance.
A. Appearance.
1. I Sam. 16:7 - God told Samuel not to look on the outside, but on the inside.
2. John 7:24 - Christ said, Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
3. II Sam. 16:7 - Shimei made a wrong judgment concerning David (calling him a man of Belial). He later paid with his life.
B. Just because the outward appearance is good, doesn't mean the heart is wrong.
1. A highly educated man can still serve the Lord, but they do ask a different type question.
2. A very modern building can still house the worshippers of the King.
3. A person that lives in a very fancy house still needs the Lord.
4. Very formal church services doesn't mean that God isn't worshipped.
5. Different "classes" of people expect and require very different "forms" of worship. The outward appearance doesn't count, it's that the heart truly worships God.
C. Judging acts of people.
1. Some church buildings look good to us, but how does God see them?
2. Some preachers sound good to us, but how does God hear them?
3. Some singers sound good to us, but how does God hear them? (Example: Brother Johnson and his foot-tapping. Is God in it?)
D. An example of righteous judgment. Numbers 25:14,15 (v. 1-9), Phinehas rightly judged those that were wrong and stopped the plague from Israel. He judged "big wheels" and they paid for their sin and Phinehas was never judged by anybody for his actions.
IV. The wrong.
A. Partial - Greek "diakrino" meaning to discriminate against. Done according to individual preference and not according to God's word.
B. Judges of evil thoughts.
1. The judge is the one with the evil thought.
2. Not the person being judged.
V. Verse 5 - Position of the poor
A. Chosen of God.
1. God must have liked common people, He made so many more of them.
2. Common "poor" people usually do most of the work.
3. I Cor. 1:26-29 - God chose unlikely people to do His work.
B. Rich in faith.
1. Common people don't have money or reputation to trust in.
2. They have to trust in the Lord, and it sure is good to do so.
C. Heir of the kingdom of God. Our future is as pure as the promises of God.
VI. Verse 6,7 - Persecution by the Prosperous. Wealthy lost people who persecuted poverty stricken saved people.
A. Gospel hit at their position. The gospel says all are equal (totally depraved sinners).
B. Gospel hit at their pocketbook. Acts 19:27, At Ephesus, Paul preached against the goddess Diana, and the rich didn't like it.
C. Gospel hits at their pride. The gospel says to boast in nothing except Christ. (The rich and poor alike need Christ.)
1. God doesn't divide men horizontally (by status or wealth or reputation).
2. God divides men vertically.
a. God.
b. Christ.
c. Angels.
d. men (sheep and goats)
D. Speaking against poor is the same as speaking against Christ.
1. Paul on Damascus road, Acts 9:1-5. Paul was fighting men and women on this earth, but Jesus said he was fighting against God.
2. Matt. 25:40 - At the judgment of the nations, If you do it to the least of these, you do it to me.
3. Don't put down rich or poor. Treat everybody the same.
4. I want to pastor where everybody is somebody, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, great and small.