Spirits in Prison
I Peter 3:19
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, it was a real paradise, but sin made a prison out of it. John 1:10-11.
Eph. 2:1-3 – So lost, they don’t even know they are lost.
a. So much in prison, they don’t even know they are in prison.
b. Always been in prison, and don’t know anything else.
c. Never seen the light of day because there are no windows.
Picture prison.
d. Large open space, completely walled in, no windows to let in the light of day. Artificial light is everywhere, casting dark shadows in some places.
e. People can go wherever they want to go, no restrictions, except in the mind of every person.
f. Thousands of voices crying at once that they have the truth, and this is the way to go. Christians are among the voices that cry that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. But nobody can see into the future to know if what they are saying is true or not.
g. II Cor. 4:7 – We have this treasure in earthern vessels.
h. There is a large single eye, which constantly broadcasts the opinions of men to the masses, convincing them to buy, buy, buy, and that immorality is in the mind of men only. Telling them over and over again there is no such thing as judgment, hell, heaven, or eternity.
i. Babies are born, and people die every day. There is no knowledge of where the people are coming from, or where they are going. The only evidence is what can be seen.
j. Historically, people remember that Christ did come and did die, and there is are conflicting stories concerning his resurrection. There was much confusion after his resurrection, and many miracles, but that was a long time ago.
Key of knowledge – Matthew 16:19 – The keys of knowledge is given to the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
k. The keys were originally given to the Jews, and there is something going on in this prison with the Jews, but the Arabs are also still here, so it is impossible to tell what is happening by looking with fleshly eyes.
l. II Cor. 4:7 – We have this treasure in earthern vessels. We do not have the power to save, but only to declare the truth.
m. I Cor. 1:18-29 – In the prison, most men believe the preaching of the cross if foolishness and not helpful at all.
n. John 1:12 – God gives the power for people to become the sons of God, it is not through them. It is a power outside themselves.