Romans 5:13 - (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed
when there is no law.
Dear Friend of
Now, may I ask you a question about the Bible? What does Paul mean when he said
that `death reigned from Adam to Moses`? since death has been since then to
right now. Thanks, that passage has me stumped. You probably can answer it for
me. Thanks. I hope to learn more from your website. I just found it and have not
read it all. I agree with all you said.
First of all, If
you would, check out my correction of wording on the page of our web site you
objected to. I think I have clarified my point, at least I hope so! (grin)
Let me know what you think.
Now - your
question makes reference to Romans 5:13, I think. Notice verse 13-17 is an
explanation of previous verses. I doubt there would be any difficulty with
understanding what Paul is saying if this parenthetical expression was left out.
Right? At least that is the way it is with me. Isn't that strange?
Well, it was strange to me, anyway. So you are not alone in wondering what
Paul means.
Paul, in the
book of Romans (especially in the beginning of the book), is writing concerning
the necessity of faith in salvation. He is speaking about the total
depravity of man in chapters 1-3, then he speaks of the necessity of faith for
salvation in chapter 4 and 5. In Romans 4:9, Paul introduces circumcision
(which is of the law), declaring that Abraham's faith was not because he obeyed
the commandment of God concerning circumcision (or the law of Moses), but
because Abraham believed the word of God. Notice in particular Romans
4:13-15, especially verse 15 - for where no law is, there is no
transgression. Paul continues his speech about salvation by
faith, not by law from Romans 4:15 to Romans 5:12, then Paul inserts his
parenthetical expression. The expression given in Romans 5:13 is to
clarify that all were sinners (and therefore died) before circumcision was given
to Abraham or the law was given to Moses. Paul states that sin was in the
world before the law was given to Abraham, which is obvious, because death was
in the world. Yet the law of Moses was not imputed, or "put to the
account" of those people because the law given to Moses was not given to them.
There was a higher law, however, than the law of Moses - and that is the law of
sin and death, which they were under, and we are under. It is not failing
to be circumcised, or breaking the law of Moses that brings death to us, or to
anybody, in any age. It is a higher law - the law of disobedience to the
primary law God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden. Paul explains in
Romans 5:14-17 that even though people before Moses were not circumcised, and
did not have the law of Moses, they were still condemned by sin and could be
saved by faith in the coming Saviour.
That is why Paul
uses the phrase in Romans 5:15, But not
(my emphasis) as the offence, so also is the free gift.
Paul is stating that there was no offence (to the law of Moses) to
those people who lived before the law, but they were under the condemnation of a
higher law - the law of disobedience to the commandment God gave to Adam in the
Garden of Eden. The free gift of salvation is to them, as it is to us - through
faith in the sacrifice of Christ.
Hope this helps.
If not, ask me again, and I will try to clarify.
Also, I have
really enjoyed this study, as it reinforced for me again that all have sinned
and come short of the glory of God, even those that have never heard of the law
of Moses or circumcision. Salvation is the same for all - through faith in
the work of Jesus Christ. Salvation is eternal - what a truth - not just
eternity (future), but for all eternity! Thanks for your wonderful