Falling Out Of Church
Acts 20:7-12
The name
Eutychus means “good fortune”. We do
not know how old the man was, some believing he is a youth, others believe
he is a young adult. Regardless it
is not good for any to sleep in church services.
If he was a youth, his parents did not keep him awake to hear the
message. If he is a young adult, he
did not keep himself awake to hear and understand the message.
Many people sleep in church – I see you and God sees you.
It does come upon almost all of us from time to time.
It is not bad for small children to sleep in church – they are quiet
then! (grin), but when children begin to grow up, it is good for them to be
awake and listen to the sermon.
“Sunk down” with
sleep – He was carried away with sleep.
He tried to fight the impulse, but finally gave in to it.
I think we all know about this.
We do not know
whether he was tired when he came to services, but his falling asleep
indicates he had no interest in the message.
He might have been too full of this world to think much of eternal
things. He might have been too busy
making a living to study his Bible and have questions.
He might have been too busy caring for the things of this world and
not busy enough in Bible study and prayer to be concerned for eternal
Sitting on the
edge. The first reason for falling
out of church.
Open windows
would let everybody on the outside know what was going on, but it would also
allow the people on the inside to get out.
Open windows
would also let in air, and that is important.
Lit up by candles, (or some kind of burning light, which also gave
forth heat) and people present – so there would be much heat.
If the room was stuffy, there was a great appeal to the fresh air.
But you must stay alert, because you were sitting on the edge – three
stories up.
Sitting on the
edge is a popular practice – just enough in church to be satisfy the spirit,
but not enough to make the flesh miserable.
Some people like to drink and think it is okay, or smoke or drive
fast, or break some other law, or to dress like the world and still be a
Christian. Something there is
something “cool” about being on the edge.
But they are not courageous, because it takes courage to stand for
Sitting on the
edge represents today – how much of the world can I have and still be
considered a Christian. The man was
in the church, but still in the world.
This will not work. Many want
to live on the borderline of faithfulness and worldliness.
Many want to come as close as possible to the world, so the man
balances himself between the faithful and the world.
He does not realize he is about to take a great fall.
He risks his testimony for the sins of the world.
James 4:4 – God
will judge adulterers. Whosoever
will be a friend of this world is the enemy of God.
God does not want us to make peace with the world, but to overcome
The most
dangerous place in war is “no-man’s land”.
You draw fire from both sides, both sides consider you a hypocrite.
Colossians 3:3 – Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.
Galatians 6:14 – I am crucified to the world.
Falling asleep
(when you should be awake) is always dangerous.
Modern churches
are accommodating to the world, but we must always stay awake.
I read on Fox News (Internet) about mega churches, which have so much
going on, there is something for everybody.
One church even has a 30-minute live band concert (not gospel, rock
or otherwise) just to get people to attend.
They have whatever activity you are interested in – therefore you
will come to services. They are
presently building a 35,000-seat building.
Very impressive, but is God glorified?
He was a young
man, but many would blame the preacher for not keeping him awake.
Some would want to change the preaching for something more
interesting. And Paul preached a
long time, and that is completely unnecessary in the viewpoint of some.
Some would want us to put on dramas and so forth, but preaching is
what we need.
I Cor. 1:18 –
The preaching of the cross is foolishness to some.
Preaching was not practiced because that is the most effective way to
communicate, but it is the method God determined to be used.
God ordains preaching. Let us
never depart from that which God has ordained.
I Cor. 2:4 –
preaching in power.
Why did God
ordain preaching? I Cor. 2:5 – Faith
should not stand in wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Wasn’t affected
by the preaching of the gospel.
This is a mark
of the judgment of God. When people
are not affected by the gospel and its eternal message.
Isaiah 6:8-11 –
God told Isaiah to go and preach, but knowing they would not understand.
People would
hear and not hear, see and not see.
They are unaffected by the preaching of the gospel.
This is a mark of the judgment of God.
This is why we
need to pray and preach for the power of God upon us, that we might be able
to hear, see, know and understand.
Don’t fall
asleep, because you set yourself up for a fall.
Every person
must be aware of their condition – whether of being sleepy and not
interested in the message of God. It
is not my message; it is the message of God.
We must dread
the consequences of falling.
The man fell to
his death.
I wonder if he
woke up before he hit the ground, but too late to grasp anything, and then
plunge three stories to the ground.
But maybe he
never woke up at all. Maybe he woke
up in another world, what ever that world is.
Maybe people are
willing to sit on the edge because they do not believe there is really any
consequence to falling asleep.
The man probably
never thought he would fall, others would fall, but he would not fall.
Some people are
“sleep-walking” – awake to the world, but asleep to the spirit.
The church at Laodicean is like this. Revelation 3.
They are rich and have need of nothing – they think.
Look at what Christ said about them, but they thought they were rich
and had need of nothing. This church
is indeed sitting on the edge.
Many will be
saved, yet so as by fire. – I Cor. 3.
Every person
must awaken themselves and see their condition.
There is nothing
to stop you, but the hard ground.
The dread of a
bad consequence should help us to wake up.
The above are
preventative measures.
But what happens
when a person falls away from the church (Christ).
If we would deal
with the consequences of others falling, we would know how to deal with it in
ourselves. This is our instruction.
Paul embraced
him. Paul did not rebuke him.
Like Elijah, and Elisha. I
Kings 17:21 – Elijah stretched himself on the child three times.
II Kings 4:34 – Elisha lay on the child and he came back to life.
We must have a
close identification with them. We
must understand there is no essential difference between those that fall
asleep (fall away) and us.
The easy thing
(the common thing) to do is rebuking them, and let them go.
We would see it coming, and there was nothing we could do, and
nothing we can do now. We have other
things to worry about, and other people to consider.
Therefore we reveal we are much closer to their condition than we
realize. We are self-absorbed that
we become oblivious to the plight of others. We are asleep, and our own fall
is closer than we think. We think by
saying we saw the fall coming that we are revealing our spirituality, but in
reality we are showing to all that we do not care, and that we are about to
This is not
Paul’s reaction.
Paul’s example
teaches us that we should never give up on a fallen brother, until he shows
he does not want life.
The fallen one
is brought back to life in the end.
This is very important.
Do we know a
“Eutychus”? Is there someone we
should be helping?
There is always
hope, even in impossible situation.
This man fell to his death – three stories – it is impossible, but God
raised him up again.
Paul continued
preaching (even to the breaking of day) after Eutychus was raised.
The service continues. God
will use the same means now as he used when Eutychus fell asleep.
Nothing changed with God, or with these services. The fault was in the
man, not in the method God had ordained.
I have a notion Eutychus paid attention now!