The Will of God Compared to Faith
Eph. 5:17 - Knowing the Will of God
Psalms 103:7 - The Ways or Acts of God
Refer to previous messages on faith to understand that faith is believing what the Bible says. It is impossible to have faith without having a verse of scripture to believe. There are some things we are going to have to trust God in, even though there are no scriptures to help us!
Things not written in scripture that we need to believe in.
1. Who to emulate.
2. Who to marry.
3. Which job.
4. How many children.
5. Which house to buy.
6. Which car to buy.
7. What furniture do I need.
8. Which church do I join.
9. Which pastor.
10. What about life support for sickness. Tell about Loal Deeter (Van Deeter's dad) and the conflicting advice he received concerning his dying mother.
11. What about organ donors and transplants.
12. What about a vacation?
Faith comes first - before understanding what the will of God is concerning these things.
1. Watch out for tradition.
2. Watch out for feelings.
3. Make sure we have done everything the scriptures demand before we start trying to do what we think we ought to do.
Things about the will of God. (Get a copy of the tract I wrote, Will of God and use it along with this message.)
1. Rom. 8:27 - When you pray about things the scripture doesn't mention, rest assured the Holy Spirit carries your request to God with groanings which cannot be uttered.
2. Rom. 12:2 - If you transform your mind by renewing it with scripture (by doing those things you already know to do), God will show you those things there are no scripture for.
3. Gal. 1:4 - It is the will of God that we be delivered from this present evil world.
4. Eph. 6:6 - We ought to do the will of God from our hearts, not just have an outward show of religion.
5. Col. 4:12 - We can stand perfect and complete in the will of God.
6. I Thess 4:3 - It is the will of God that we be sanctified, abstaining from fornication.
7. I Thess 5:18 - It is the will of God that we give thanks to God in everything.
8. Heb. 10:36 - Have patience, for after you have done the will of God, you will receive the promise.
9. I Peter 2:15 - It is the will of God that we live quiet, peaceable lives, obeying every law and official as we are able.
10. I Peter 4:2 - It is better for us to live in this flesh in the will of God.
a. I Peter 3:17 - It is better that we suffer for well doing than for evil doing.
b. I Peter 4:19 -Let us suffer according to the will of God.
11. I John 2:17 - He that does the will of God lives forever.