Who’s In Charge?



What “program” did the early church use to spread the gospel message?

Who was in charge of it all – what is his name?  I ask this question because many people today are looking for someone to be in charge – some human, so they can have someone to look to, admire and emulate.

It seems to me the disciples are continually finding out what God is doing and saying “Okay, that is good!”  It would not hurt us to be that way.  We do not have to plan everything, but we need to be watching for what God will do and saying “Okay, that is good!”

1.       Acts 2 – Who planned the Day of Pentecost?  God.  The disciples were told beforehand what would happened, and they were waiting on God’s promise.

2.       Acts 3 – Who planned the healing of the lame man? – God.  It seems Peter and John were not expecting this to happen until they got there and saw the man.  They went to pray, not to heal the man.

3.       Acts 5 – Who planned the death of Ananias and Sapphira?

4.       Acts 6 – The church appointed these special deacons, not because the scriptures said they should be appointed, but because of necessity.  Note: Could we say deacons are not scriptural  No, but we can say they should be appointed when they are necessary.

5.       Acts 7 – When it looked like the life of Stephen was being controlled, God was still in control, because there was Saul, who was under conviction when he held the coats of those that stoned Stephen.

6.       Acts 8:4 – Those were scattered because of the stoning of Stephen went everywhere preaching the gospel message.  Note: they did not miracle because they could not – they were not apostles, or those the apostles laid hands on.

7.       Acts 8:5 – Philip went to Samaria and preached the word – who told him to go?  What committee appointed where he was supposed to be preaching?  How was he supported?  (See Acts 4:34.)

8.       See the line of church authority.

a.       Acts 8:14-17 – The baptized believers did not receive the Holy Ghost baptism until the apostles from Jerusalem came and laid hands on them.

b.       Acts 11:15-18 – Peter was “called on the carpet” when he preached to Gentiles (Cornelius).  The church at Jerusalem had the right to question Peter about his actions, but when they understood it was of God, they fully agree with it all.

c.       Acts 11:19-22 – Those scattered when Stephen was stoned went everywhere preaching the Word, and the church at Jerusalem felt compelled to find out about the particular church at Antioch.  Note: They did not check on the Ethiopian Eunuch or the church in Egypt. 

d.       There is a difference between the kingdom work and the church work.  God gets glory from many who are not in his church, but are in the kingdom.  We should not complain about this, because this is God’s eternal plan.

e.       Acts 11:25 – Who gave Barnabas authority to call Paul to help him in the work at Antioch? 

f.        Acts 13 – God called Paul and Barnabas to missionary work out of the church at Antioch.  Which committee approved this?  None, the church at Antioch approved it without asking the church at Jerusalem. 

9.       Acts 8:26 – What committee or church authority figure told Philip to leave Samaria and preach to the Ethiopian Eunuch?

10.   Acts 16:5-8-10 – Who forbade Paul from preaching in Asia, Bithynia, and to pass by Mysia, and come to Troas? 

11.   Acts 19:21 – Who told Paul to go to Rome?